Building a resume is a valuable and necessary skill at any age. Many applications for jobs, college admission and scholarships will ask you to attach a resume. The purpose of the resume is to highlight your skills, experience and accomplishments.

Having a high school resume prepared could be the advantage needed to get that first summer job. So even as a freshman, a resume needs to be prepared and ready to attach to applications.

A resume is a great confidence builder. It’s nice to see all of your accomplishments neatly organized on one page. It’s also a great motivator for setting new goals that will eventually end up on a future resume.

We have 3 suggestions for creating a great resume:

  1. Ask experienced teachers or professionals for guidance on your first resume. Let them know that you are working on keeping an updated resume. Ask if you can show them a draft to get some feedback before sending it out or using it for job hunting.
  2. Use online resources to see the different ways to organize resume information. There are basic tips for creating a resume that is appealing. However, this may differ depending on your field. Again, showing your resume to teachers and professionals if a great way to get feedback to make sure the content is appropriate and the look is professional.
  3. Save all of your resumes. Designate a folder on your computer just for resumes. Keeping a digital copy will allow you to make minor changes to quickly update past versions. Therefore, it is imperative that you always save and date each resume you create. Also, there may be more than one version of a current resume that needs to be kept. For instance, a student hoping to pursue a music degree might have a resume emphasizing music accomplishments, as well as a general academic resume. Make sure the file name accurately reflects the date and focus of the resume.

PRO TIP: This is where the ScholarPrep Organizer comes in handy. You will be able to record the details of the different resumes you have created such as: where they are stored, when they were last updated and the focus/emphasis of the resume.

Quick Tips:

  • Update your resumes on a monthly basis.
  • Use online resources to achieve a professional look for your resume.
  • Get feedback from teachers of professionals before using your resume.
  • Save a digital version of all your resumes.
  • Label resumes by topic and date for quick access.

Looking for even more tips to craft that perfect resume? Check out our Pinterest board dedicated to helping you build your resume. Do you have tips or tricks for creating an impressive resume? Tell us in the comments below!