Accountability is key when applying for scholarships, jobs, and college. It is easy to become overwhelmed with deadlines, the seemingly unending amount of tasks, and other outside responsibilities awaiting you. This is why it is so important to find an accountability partner to keep you motivated and on track to reach your goals.

What is an accountability partner?

Accountability Partner [noun]. This is someone who has your back and will be by your side throughout the application process. Your accountability partner helps you stay committed to your goals and motivated to reach them.

This person can be someone going through the same process or experience as you. When you are in it together, helping each other, it makes you both much stronger because you are supporting one another.

But this person can also be someone who just wants the best for you. It could be a parent, a teacher, a college counselor, or even a good friend.

Our Marketing Intern, Heather, found her accountability partner in her mother.

“Throughout high school, I would occasionally become overwhelmed with exams, sports, or work and momentarily forget deadlines to scholarships. Thankfully she would remind me just in time, never doing the work for me, simply reminding me that if I did not turn in that scholarship I had completed, but never submitted, I would not have a chance of winning. Having this constant support and love from my accountability partner was essential to managing everything on my plate.”

How do you find an accountability partner?

Finding an accountability partner is actually easier than you think.

  1. First, write down the goals you are trying to achieve. This step will ensure you pick the right person to hold you accountable.
  2. Next, make a list of everyone in your life who wants the best for you, is going through something similar OR has knowledge and expertise about what it’s like to be where you are. This could be your best friend, a family member, a fellow classmate, a parent, or someone else.
  3. Now, ask yourself who of these people who be the best fit to hold you accountable to your goals. Make sure this is someone you trust and respect.  This should also be someone who will understand and support the goals you have set, whether that is applying for scholarships or finding a summer job.

How do I get started with my accountability partner?

Once you pick your accountability partner, you’ll need to ask them if they would be willing to support you on this journey.

To get started, chat with them about your goals, why you are trying to achieve them and how you plan to succeed. You will also need to let them know HOW they can best support you.

  • Do you need a daily, weekly, or monthly check-in?
  • Do you want them to call you, text you, or check-in with you in person?

Make a plan for how they can help you stay accountable.

BONUS TIP: Sometimes it is helpful to come up with a reward for yourself once you meet your goal. Make sure you share this with your accountability partner so that they can help you celebrate and remind you of what’s at stake.

Accountability is key when it comes to winning scholarships, finding job or internship opportunities, and submitting college applications. In order to be successful, you have to stay organized and motivated. It is too easy to become sidetracked and overwhelmed with school, work, and family life. Making sure you have that balance, organization, and your partner by your side is essential.

Are you looking for an accountability partner who has been there before and walked this same path of applying to college and working to win as many scholarships as possible? We offer support and accountability to students and parents on this college bound journey.